Stone Crab Facts
The Stone Crab can regenerate its claws three to four times.
The Stone Crab habitat ranges from the coast of the Yucatan peninsula through the Gulf of Mexico into the Atlantic Ocean as far as South Carolina, but is only commercially harvested in any numbers along the gulf (west) coast of Florida.
Adult Stone Crabs are easily recognized by their oval body and two large claws. The adult body of the Stone Crab is dark brownish red, more or less mottled and spotted with dusky gray. An interesting feature about the Stone Crab is the mark on the inside of the large claw that resembles a thumb print.
A male first courts a female for up to 12 hr and then, using his walking legs, flips the female ventral side up beneath him. Normally copulating females are freshly molted, with soft shells. Researchers described the male's handling of the soft-shell female as being done "with care" to avoid injury to the female.
Matings last from 6 to 8 hours. Stone Crabs grow to maturity in about 2 years.
Male crabs are commonly called “Jimmys” and females are commonly called “Sallys”
Adult Stone Crabs can generate tremendous crushing force with their smaller chelae or "pincer." They can exert a pressure with their rearmost crushing teeth of up to 19,000 lb/sq. inch.
The Stone Crab season is from October 15 to May 15. During this time baited box-like traps are set in the water and the crabs climb in. Only the claws are eaten, so fishermen twist off one claw from crabs and toss the crab back to grow a new one. Crabs will regenerate their claws within 12 -18 months. They are left with one claw to defend themselves.
The minimum length of claw that can be taken is 2.75 inches. Minimum weight for claws is 2-2.75 ounces.
The law requires these claws to be boiled for 7 minutes and then either put on ice or frozen. After being chilled, the claws are graded according to size and weight - medium, large, jumbo and colossal.
To serve, the claws are cracked with a mallet and served cold with dipping sauces.